Thursday, February 27, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Feb. 27-28 (Thur-Fri)

Daily Agenda
1. Review Final Revisions for "Numskull and Rabbit" Draft.
2. Continue Don Quixote film.

1. Prepare "Numskull and Rabbit" Essay Final Draft. Follow the checklist.
2. Upload and print a copy to bring to class.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Feb 25-26 (Tue-Wed)

Daily Agenda
1. Read Don Quixote, Chapter VIII.
2. Respond to excerpt questions (Wildcat Partners)
3. Continue Film - Consider examples of irony/ambiguity

1. Edit and revise "Numskull" essay using self-edit sheet.
2. Upload revision to and print out version for class.
3. Semi-colon BrainPOP lesson. (Due Mon 3/3, for even classes, and Tue 3/4, for odd classes)

Friday, February 21, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Feb. 21-24 (Fri-Mon)

Daily Agenda
1. Parallelism - Notes & Practice Exercises
2. Review Terms & Competency section of Literature Competency #1
3. Begin Don Quixote film.  Complete Character Bubble Maps / Juxaposition-Conflict List

1. Finish Parallelism Exercise.
2. Edit "Numskull" essay for active voice and eliminate "to be" verbs.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Feb. 19-20 (Wed-Thur)

Daily Agenda
1. Read Article, "Writing Strong Introductions and Conclusions."  Respond to Focus Questions.
2. Complete reflections of scantron portion of Literature Competency #1.
3. Writing Workshop - Complete introduction and conclusion portions of your outline of the "Numskull and Rabbit" irony/ambiguity essay.
4. Print essay outline. Highlight transitions/transitional expressions.

1. Prepare rough draft of essay by formatting paragraphs and removing the outline structure of your "Numskull" essay.
2. Upload draft to  Bring printed version to class.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: February 13-18 (Thur-Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots Lesson #5-6 Competency/Quiz
2. Writing Workshop: Finish Outlining the Body Paragraphs for the "Numskull and Rabbit" Analysis

Complete the Don Quixote E-Mail Assignment.   Follow the E-mail Formatting Guidelines.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Feb.11-12 (Tue-Wed)

Daily Agenda
Literature Competency #1

1. Review completed Lesson 5-6 Exercises using the answer key below.
2. Study for Roots Lesson #5-6 Quiz
3. OPTIONAL: Complete Lesson 5-6 Key Word Activities.  You can correct with the Lesson 5-6 Key Word Activities ANSWER KEY.

ANSWER KEY: Lesson 5-6 Review Exercises
Exercise 1: 1.b, 2.d, 3.a, 4.b, 5.b
Exercise 2: 1.G, 2.H, 3.B, 4.J, 5.C, 6.E, 7.D, 8.F, 9.I, 10.A
Exercise 3: a. graphically, b. logos, c. acronyms, d.alliterate; a.circumscribed, b.literate, c.conscripts, d.ignominy, e.lexicon, f.graffiti

Friday, February 7, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Feb. 7-10 (Fri-Mon)

Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots Exercise #6C
2. "Numskull and Rabbit" Theme Circle Map
3. Writing Workshop: Evaluating & Revising Theme Statements

1. Vocab Exercise #6D and Lessons #5-6 Review Exercises
2. Review Literary/Rhetorical Devices for Tuesday's Literature Competency (Test)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Feb. 5-6 (Wed-Thur)

Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots Exercise #6B
2. "Numskull and Rabbit" Passage/Theme Debrief (Multi-flow Map)
3. Writing Workshop: Outlining/Organizing Your Writing

1. Begin outlining "Numskull and Rabbit" Critical Reading Analysis.  Upload to and bring in a print copy.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Feb 3-4 (Mon-Tue)

Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots Exercise #6A
2. Irony & Ambiguity Tree Map
3. "Numskull and Rabbit" Class Debrief

1. "Numskull" Friendly Letter
2. Create five flashcards for challenging or unfamiliar Classical Roots Lesson #6 words.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Daily Agenda & Homework: Jan. 30-31 (Thur-Fri)

Daily Agenda
1. Prepare friendly letters for mailing
2. Reading Workshop: "Tiger who Would Be King" Irony/Ambiguity Peer Evaluation
3. "Tiger" Understanding Theme Developing Debrief (Multi-flow Map)
4. Begin Classical Roots Lesson #6 Word Maps

Complete word maps