1. Continue Lit Analysis drafts. Revise to integrate quotations/citations. Begin editing.
2. Begin Oedipus the King - Take notes on motifs, themes, and the tragic hero.
1. Read and annotate chapters 12-13 of A Separate Peace.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, December 10, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 12/10
1. Writing Workshop - Finish drafting body paragraphs as well as a simple introduction/conclusion for the A Separate Peace Character & Style essay.2. From Ritual to Drama - Complete Greek Drama Circle Map while watching the video segments.
3. Begin reading Oedipus the King (Period 2).
4. Distribute Study Guides for Final Exam.
1. Read and annotate chapter 11.2. Begin prep for Final Exam.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 12/6
1. A Separate Peace Chapters 6-9 Reading Quiz and Critical Reading Responses
2. Writing Workshop: Draft Body Paragraphs for Character & Symbol Lit Analysis
1. Read and annotate chapter 10.
2. Print out Oedipus The King text from Resource link if you desire to annotate on the actual text copy.
1. A Separate Peace Chapters 6-9 Reading Quiz and Critical Reading Responses
2. Writing Workshop: Draft Body Paragraphs for Character & Symbol Lit Analysis
1. Read and annotate chapter 10.
2. Print out Oedipus The King text from Resource link if you desire to annotate on the actual text copy.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 12/4
1. Parallelism/Active Voice Quiz
2. Literature Circles - Complete short answer study guide questions for chapters 6-8 as a review for Thursday's quiz. Complete a group reading log that includes the group's best response to passages annotated for chapter 8.
3. Writing Workshop - Begin outlining for a novel literary analysis.
1. Read and annotate chapter 9.
1. Parallelism/Active Voice Quiz
2. Literature Circles - Complete short answer study guide questions for chapters 6-8 as a review for Thursday's quiz. Complete a group reading log that includes the group's best response to passages annotated for chapter 8.
3. Writing Workshop - Begin outlining for a novel literary analysis.
1. Read and annotate chapter 9.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 11/30
1. Review Positively Parallel Exercise / Complete Practice Exercise
2. Finish A Separate River Assignment
3. Literature Circles - Complete Chapter 6-7 Short Answer Study Guide Q's & Close Reading Chart
Read and Annotate Chapter 8.
1. Review Positively Parallel Exercise / Complete Practice Exercise
2. Finish A Separate River Assignment
3. Literature Circles - Complete Chapter 6-7 Short Answer Study Guide Q's & Close Reading Chart
Read and Annotate Chapter 8.
Daily Agenda & Homework - 11/28
1. Ch. 1-3 Reading Quiz & Extended Response
2. Literature Circles - Respond to Ch. 4-5 Study Guide Q's and Ch.4-5 Reading Guide Passages
3. A Separate River Assignment
1. Read and Annotate Chapter 7.
1. Ch. 1-3 Reading Quiz & Extended Response
2. Literature Circles - Respond to Ch. 4-5 Study Guide Q's and Ch.4-5 Reading Guide Passages
3. A Separate River Assignment
1. Read and Annotate Chapter 7.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 11/26
1. Parallelism Review Handout
2. A Separate Peace Literature Circles - As groups, complete Ch. 1-3 Study Q's and the section IV and V questions from the Chapter 1-2 Study Guides already distributed.
3. Read Chs. 4-6 silently. Annotate the text as you have been doing.
1. Read chapters 4-6.
2. Complete Guided Reading Questions. (You do not need to complete the Vocabulary Section I or Sections IV or V. Section II is optional. Complete if you do NOT know the concepts.)
1. Parallelism Review Handout
2. A Separate Peace Literature Circles - As groups, complete Ch. 1-3 Study Q's and the section IV and V questions from the Chapter 1-2 Study Guides already distributed.
3. Read Chs. 4-6 silently. Annotate the text as you have been doing.
1. Read chapters 4-6.
2. Complete Guided Reading Questions. (You do not need to complete the Vocabulary Section I or Sections IV or V. Section II is optional. Complete if you do NOT know the concepts.)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 11/20
Note: Periods 4 and 6 completed Active Voice Practice Quizzes. We will test Active Voice next class. In Literature Circles, students responded to study guide questions and the passage/close reading responses at the end of the Chapter one Guided Reading Questions distributed last class. See the digital files for the various assignments.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 11/14
Note: For homework, write a two-chunk paragraph responding to the following question. How do archetypal elements reinforce the themes in Genesis?
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 11/9
Note: For the homework assignment, click on the Intro to Integrating Quotations link in the resources column on the left side of this blog page. Your notes should answer the following two key questions. (1) What are four ways to integrate quotations? (2) What are three simple punctuation rules?
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 11/7
Daily Agenda
1. Review Classical Roots Lessons #3-4 Practice Exercises.
2. Literature Circles - Finish reading Genesis excerpts and complete Archetype Tree Map.
3. "I Am" Poem - Complete as a group if the group finishes reading/charting. Otherwise, complete as individuals for homework.
4. Tic Tac Vocab Review Game (If time allows...)
1. "I Am" Poem (if not completed as a group)
2. Study for Classical Roots Lessons #3-4 Quiz
1. Review Classical Roots Lessons #3-4 Practice Exercises.
2. Literature Circles - Finish reading Genesis excerpts and complete Archetype Tree Map.
3. "I Am" Poem - Complete as a group if the group finishes reading/charting. Otherwise, complete as individuals for homework.
4. Tic Tac Vocab Review Game (If time allows...)
1. "I Am" Poem (if not completed as a group)
2. Study for Classical Roots Lessons #3-4 Quiz
Monday, November 5, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 11/1
Daily Agenda
1. Classical Roots #4B Exercise
2. "Osiris and Isis" Plot Map - 30 mins. to work. Finish for Homework if need be.
3. Genesis Reading Anticipation Guide
4. Active & Passive Voice - Complete & Submit
Finish plot maps/prepare for reading quiz
1. Classical Roots #4B Exercise
2. "Osiris and Isis" Plot Map - 30 mins. to work. Finish for Homework if need be.
3. Genesis Reading Anticipation Guide
4. Active & Passive Voice - Complete & Submit
Finish plot maps/prepare for reading quiz
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/30
Daily Agenda
1. Collect Narratives
2. Classical Roots Exercise #4A
3. Being "Osiris and Isis" Plot Map
(See the Digital Files for copies of these assignments.)
Note: We will begin reading the novel, A Separate Peace, by John Knowles the week of November 13. In the past, many students have preferred to complete the novel study using a personal copy so that they may annotate directly in the book. Any students wishing to do so should plan on having their copy by then. Having a personal copy is NOT required. Students will be able to complete coursework using novels checked out from the library as well.
1. Collect Narratives
2. Classical Roots Exercise #4A
3. Being "Osiris and Isis" Plot Map
(See the Digital Files for copies of these assignments.)
Note: We will begin reading the novel, A Separate Peace, by John Knowles the week of November 13. In the past, many students have preferred to complete the novel study using a personal copy so that they may annotate directly in the book. Any students wishing to do so should plan on having their copy by then. Having a personal copy is NOT required. Students will be able to complete coursework using novels checked out from the library as well.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/26
Daily Agenda
1. Review Classical Roots Exercises #3C,#3D, and Key Word Activity.
2. Peer Edit - Examine use of attitude/feeling words and figurative language.
3. Writing Workshop - Edit drafts for punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure. Revise further for sensory language, attitude/feeling words, or figurative language.
1. Copy and paste narrative from My Access into a word program.
2. Format correctly and submit to by 11:00 p.m. on Monday 10/29.
3. Print final draft and highlight/annotate according to checklist instructions on the back of the assignment sheet.
4. Assemble and prepare to submit according to checklist instructions on Tuesday 10/30 in class.
1. Review Classical Roots Exercises #3C,#3D, and Key Word Activity.
2. Peer Edit - Examine use of attitude/feeling words and figurative language.
3. Writing Workshop - Edit drafts for punctuation, capitalization, sentence structure. Revise further for sensory language, attitude/feeling words, or figurative language.
1. Copy and paste narrative from My Access into a word program.
2. Format correctly and submit to by 11:00 p.m. on Monday 10/29.
3. Print final draft and highlight/annotate according to checklist instructions on the back of the assignment sheet.
4. Assemble and prepare to submit according to checklist instructions on Tuesday 10/30 in class.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/24
Daily Agenda
1. Check answers to Classical Roots Exercise #3A.2. Complete CR Exercise #3B.
3. Peer Review - Narrative Sensory Details
4. Writing Workshop: Internal Feelings/Attitude Words Exercise and an Introduction to the ZEUGMA!!
1. Revise narrative to include 10-15 attitude/feeling words and three examples of figurative language (similes, metaphors, or personification - one example MUST be a zeugma).2. Classical Roots Exercises #3C,3D, and Lesson #3 Key Word Activity.
Note: The Writing Resource folder in the Digital Files has copies of the handouts distributed today.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/22
Daily Agenda
1. Italics & Quotations Competency #2
2. Read Autobiographical Incident model essay
3. My Access Revisions - Revise for sensory language and structure
1. Narrative Revision #1 - Print and Bring copy to class
2. Classical Roots Exercise #3A
1. Italics & Quotations Competency #2
2. Read Autobiographical Incident model essay
3. My Access Revisions - Revise for sensory language and structure
1. Narrative Revision #1 - Print and Bring copy to class
2. Classical Roots Exercise #3A
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/16
Period 2
1. Archetype Background Competency
2. Complete and Review Quotation Marks Exercises C,D (pgs. 296-297 in packet).
3. Writing Workshop: Writing a Narrative - Log into Select one of the four narrative prompts from your MyAccess Assignment List. Begin drafting the narrative.
Periods 4,6
1. Archetype Background Competency
2. Debrief Epic of Gilgamesh Key Questions. (See the Gilgamesh folder in the Archetype unit folder for a copy of the questions.)
3. Writing Workshop: Writing a Narrative - Log into Select one of the four narrative prompts from your MyAccess Assignment List. Begin drafting the narrative.
1. Quotation Marks Review Exercises A,B (pgs. 298-299 in packet). (Due next class, Thursday 10/18)2. Narrative Draft (Due Monday 10/22)
Friday, October 12, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/12
Daily Agenda
1. Review Questions - Archetypal Criticism, Jung, and Campbell Background
2. Correct Quotation Mark Review Exercises A,B
3. Finish Gilgamesh Plot Maps, Examine Gilgamesh Story Exemplary "Score 4" Plot Map
4. Period 2 - Class Discussion: Gilgamesh Story Analysis Questions; Periods 4, 6 - Finish Gilgamesh Plot Maps, Examine Gilgamesh Story Exemplary "Score 4" Plot Map
Homework: Period 2 - Review for Literature Competency #1 (Use Unit Goals Handout); Periods 4, 6 - Review for Archetypes Background Quiz, Complete Quotation Marks Review Exercises C, D in Exercise Packet
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/10
Note: Reviewing the model plot map from the A View From the Summit excerpt, start to create a free form plot map using white copy paper for the entire Epic of Gilgamesh story following the Plot Map Template.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/8
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 10/4
1. Jung / Campbell Open Minds (Note: See me in class for instructions.)
2. Epic of Gilgamesh Background Circle Map - Read pg. 12 in the textbook. In the literature section, create a Circle Map by identifying 10 key facts/ideas presented in the text.
3. Begin reading The Epic of Gilgamesh. Begin creating reading logs focused on understanding archetypes and the Hero's Journey.
HW: Finish Hero's Journey Chart/Bibliography assigned last class.
2. Epic of Gilgamesh Background Circle Map - Read pg. 12 in the textbook. In the literature section, create a Circle Map by identifying 10 key facts/ideas presented in the text.
3. Begin reading The Epic of Gilgamesh. Begin creating reading logs focused on understanding archetypes and the Hero's Journey.
HW: Finish Hero's Journey Chart/Bibliography assigned last class.
Daily Agenda & Homework - 9/28
(1) Classical Roots Lesson #1-2 Competency (Test)
(2) Understanding Archetypes - Film Clip Review
(3) Introduction to the Hero's Journey Presentation & Article Review
HW: Hero's Journey Chart & Bibliography (Due Monday, October 8).
(Note: There is no assignment sheet. See me in class or talk with a friend for the assignment.)
(2) Understanding Archetypes - Film Clip Review
(3) Introduction to the Hero's Journey Presentation & Article Review
HW: Hero's Journey Chart & Bibliography (Due Monday, October 8).
(Note: There is no assignment sheet. See me in class or talk with a friend for the assignment.)
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 9/24
Reflections will have to be completed in class if students are absent. So come into class during tutorial or some other point to review the quiz grades and to complete the reflection. Otherwise, complete the WebQuests using the Archetypes & Epic Hero links in the Activities list on the left side of the class website. The questions are in the Archetype Unit Folder.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 9/14
Notes: Complete the back side of the handout on Gaining Meaning from Consumer Documents distributed in class last time using the brochure (consumer document) that I asked you to find for homework. Then, use to create a Bibliography citing your brochure. For homework, the Italics Practice document is in the language folder.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 9/12
We discussed brochures and other documents found in your local businesses. For homework, find one and bring it into class on Friday. Otherwise, we didn't complete the Tree Map, and the lesson 2 words/exercises are in the appropriate folder in the Digital Files.
Monday, September 10, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 9/10
Check the Language and Punctuation Units Folder in the Digital Files for a copy of the Writing & Grammar textbook reading and exercises if you need to complete your C-Notes or finish the exercises for next class.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 9/6
Notes: Use the Learning Reflection Template Handout to show how you format the reflection portions of your entry. See the appropriate digital file folder for both the vocabulary exercises and the template. Also, add to your flash cards by adding five new cards based on your lesson #1 words.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Daily Agenda & Homework - 9/4
Note: See the Introductory Course Handouts folder for the Success for Teens handout and the My Life Goals Chart handout for assignment instructions.The Vocabulary 1A Exercise can be found in the Classical Roots folder. Complete the exercise in the first section of your composition book, after your Lesson #1 Word Maps.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Agenda & Homework 8/30
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Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Agenda & Homework - 8/28
Note: You will complete vocabulary maps for at least the first 10 words from lesson one. The assignment template is in the Digital Files. Look under the appropriate folder.
Also: Remember that you do NOT need fancy dividers for the notebook. Simply organize according to the assignment sheet, also located in the Digital Files.
Friday, August 24, 2012
Agenda & Homework - 8/24
(1) Learning Profile #3
(2) "Colomber" Theme Analysis - Write your response, format it, and upload to
Homework: Word Parts C-Notes (Cornell Notes)
Notes: All handouts are located in the Digital Files.
(2) "Colomber" Theme Analysis - Write your response, format it, and upload to
Homework: Word Parts C-Notes (Cornell Notes)
Notes: All handouts are located in the Digital Files.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Agenda & Homework - 8/22
First, based on how you score on Learning Profile #2, complete the appropriate reflection. Handouts are located in the appropriate folder once you click the Digital Files link.
Then, respond to two questions for journal #1. (1) How might literature (a story) be both a mirror and a window? (2) What is a hero? Once you've written the journal on a word document, format your writing using the handout titled SpongeBob's Short Reference Guide: Formatting Using Microsoft 2010. Finally, submit the paper to See Mr. Smith for the class ID and password to register and submit your journal.
Then, respond to two questions for journal #1. (1) How might literature (a story) be both a mirror and a window? (2) What is a hero? Once you've written the journal on a word document, format your writing using the handout titled SpongeBob's Short Reference Guide: Formatting Using Microsoft 2010. Finally, submit the paper to See Mr. Smith for the class ID and password to register and submit your journal.
Monday, August 20, 2012
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Hi Classes! Just a reminder that your first homework assignment is to read the Course Orientation, located in the Course Introductory Materials in the Digital Files. Just click on the link on this webpage. When you are done, print out the appropriate class signature sheet and complete along with your parents/guardians. See you in class next week with some exciting news!! Yippee!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Welcome students and parents to the 2012-2013 school year! I'm eager and excited to work with each of you as we embark together on both personal and literary journeys throughout the year. As Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu once wrote, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." Let us begin!
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